ring 2 flat work
2025-03-01 BSPS Area 5 Vale View
ring 2 flat work
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c22 m&m novice ridden a&b
c23 m&m novice c&d ridden
c24 m&m novice fells dales hl ridden
c25 m&m novice new forest and connemara ridden
c26a bsps young heritage poys
c26b novice ridden champ
c28 open chlg ridden a & b heritage m&m + champ
c34 h m&m open chlg lead rein not exc 122cm u2yr
c35 h m&m open chlg first ridden not exc 128cm u2
c35b mini heritage championship
c37 tiny tots first ridden not exc 122cm un 8yrs
c38 novice plaited lead rein not exc 122cm under 9
c40 open plaited lead rein p not exc 122cms un 9yr
c41 open plaited 1st ridden p not exc 123cms un 10
c41b mini plaited championship
c42 young shp of yr 4 5 6 yrs not exc 153cms
c44 mixed height novice shp not exc 153cm
c45 novice interm sh srt 148cms-160cm
c50 bsps open chlg mixed height sp not exc148cm
c52b bsps winter sh p part bred champ